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To RED LOGIC Sp. z o.o. We are looking for a person for the position

Database Designer / Developer (POSTGRESQL)

We offer:

B2B / CoE /CoM

flexible working hours

operating mode: stationary / hybrid / remote

substantive support


  • Maintaining documentation and assisting developers in configuring environments
  • Database optimization
  • Optimizing queries, creating indexes, partitioning


  • Creating complex database structures that adhere to standard forms
  • Creation of high-performance database deployments in HA (Active-Active) clusters
  • Understanding of the PostgreSQL replication mechanism
  • Database programming in PL/pgSQL
  • Fluency in SQL commands (DDL, DML, DCL, DQL, TCL)
  • Administration of the PostgreSQL database
  • PostgreSQL instance creation and configuration
  • Postgres (WAL) recovery, backup, and restore
  • Secure Postgres roles, users, and permissions support
  • Support for PostgreSQL clusters / instances and databases
  • Database monitoring and continuous analysis
  • Understanding of data migration and ETL mechanisms

Additional benefits:

  • EDB
  • Oracle Databases
  • Conterization (Docker / Kubernetes)

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