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To RED LOGIC Sp. z o.o. We are looking for a person for the position

Solutions Architect

We offer:

B2B / CoE /CoM

flexible working hours

operating mode: stationary / hybrid / remote

substantive support


  • participation in updating the QERDS system’s architecture
  • creating and updating project documentation
  • designing target components and functionalities in accordance with accepted standards, and confirming the final product with the client
  • work division for programmers
  • collaboration with analysts and programmers as part of system component technical feasibility verification
  • maintenance of the architectural repository (as part of design tasks)


  • knowledge of EIDAS / ETSI standards
  • understanding of JAVA, Kafka, and Docker technologies
  • understanding of the Electronic Registered Delivery Service (ERDS) class system assumptions
  • knowledge of identity management systems, including LDAP and OAuthZ technologies (from the customer’s perspective)

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